Drop change history
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Pods: 10 - Lvl.189
  • +41 to 60 chance
  • +41 to 60 intelligence
  • +21 to 30 wisdom
  • +201 to 250 vitality
  • +3 to 4 critical hits
  • +6 to 10 heals
  • +6 to 10 damage
  • +21 to 30 prospecting
  • +2 to summonable creatures
  • +6 to 10 water resistance
No condition
Craft (189 pods)
This helmet holds its fair share of secrets. It was once a kind, gentle, pure creature, but after many years of violent adventures with the Bworker, it slowly became bitter and twisted. Then, it died. The legend says a mischievous Ecaflip found the dead hat and dyed it grey using a Payntshup Potion and some Kralove ink. He fooled the inhabitants of Imp Village by claiming it had fantastic powers but he was rumbled when it rained and the dye washed out.