Drop change history
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Event: Kromatics Tokens with the dungeons

Dungeon Kromatics Tokens
Qu'Tan's Sanctuary12
Ilyzaelle's Lookout12
Bworker Dungeon11
Fungus Dungeon11
Amakna Castle Rat Dungeon11
Kimbo's Canopy10
Firefoux Dungeon9
The Tynril Lab9
Soft Oak Dungeon9
Lair of the Pandikazes8
Lair of the Giant Kralove8
Dreggon Dungeon8
Skeunk's Hideout8
Kitsoune Dungeon8
Lord Crow's Dungeon7
Bherb's Gully7
Lair of the Rainbow Blop7
Royal Tofu Dungeon7
Canidae Dungeon6
Koolich Dungeon6
Labyrinth of Dark Vlad6
Dragon Pig's Den6
Brakmar Rat Dungeon5
Bonta Rat Dungeon5
Crackler Dungeon5
Otomai's Ark5
Treechnid Dungeon5
Lair Of The Unfortunate4
Blop Dungeon3
Wabbit Dungeon3
The Jellith Dimension3
Wabbit Castle3
Bloodthirsty Vampire Crypt2
Grotto Hesque2
Bwork Dungeon2
Bulb Dungeon2
Larva Dungeon2
Smith Dungeon1
Incarnam Dungeon1
Sandy Dungeon1
Field Dungeon1
Tofu Dungeon1
Gobball Dungeon1
Skeleton Dungeon1
Scaraleaf Dungeon1