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Tofu Dungeon

Salle 1

Monstres: 8
Niveau global: 16 - 48

Salle 2

Monstres aléatoires: 8
Niveau global: 16 - 144

Salle 3

Monstres aléatoires: 8
Niveau global: 16 - 304

Salle des trous

In green: the path to follow, in red: the holes to avoid. When you fall in a hole, you land in a map with groups of various Tofus, very useful to farm bird meats.

Salle des tofus

Monstres: 1
Niveau global: 2 - 6
There are only groups of 1 Tofu, you can farm this map without having any malus. To continue the dungeon, you must talk to Kazy Ingalsse(?) and tell him that you want to continue to clean the rest of the Tofulailler(?).

Salle 4

Monstres aléatoires: 8
Niveau global: 16 - 304

Salle 5

Monstres aléatoires: 8
Niveau global: 80 - 304

Salle 6

Monstres: 8
Niveau global: 92 - 132

Salle 7